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Talitha Media
Social Media and Website Management
12 months for the price of 10 if you pay for a year!
Bronze Social Media
100£Every monthÂ- 3 social media posts a week on Facebook, X and Instagram
- Zoom call each month to discuss priorities
Silver Social Media
250£Every monthÂ- Bronze features +
- Social media posts 6 times a week on 3 platforms
- Social media graphics in line with organisation branding
- Monthly engagement highlights by zoom or email
- 6 monthly report on social media engagement for trustees
Gold Social Media
350£Every monthÂ- Silver features +
- Liking and sharing relevant posts
- Responding to messages and comments
- Signposting appropriately
- Social media campaigns and graphics from zoom call ideas
Bronze Website Management
100£Every monthÂ- Update events, dates on current pages of website
- Make edits on current static pages eg. new text or images
Silver Website Management
250£Every monthÂ- Bronze Features +
- New static pages on website
- Monthly zoom call to discuss new ideas
Gold Website Management
350£Every monthÂ- Silver features +
- New features on website eg shop, data driven pages
- 6 monthly report on visitors and page views for trustees
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